The Brandery 2019 in-person office hours
COMPANY: gener8tor
PROGRAM: The Brandery
BRIEF: Create social graphics to recruit founders/entrepreneurs to take meetings with gener8tor staff in-person across the US.
APPLICATIONS: social media (Facebook, Facebook Stories, Instagram, Instagram Stories, LinkedIn, Twitter)
PROGRAM: The Brandery
BRIEF: Create social graphics to recruit founders/entrepreneurs to take meetings with gener8tor staff in-person across the US.
APPLICATIONS: social media (Facebook, Facebook Stories, Instagram, Instagram Stories, LinkedIn, Twitter)

Instagram Story Week Post

Instagram Story Location Post

Instagram Story Location Post

Instagram Story Apply Now Post

Instagram Story General Post

Instagram Grid General Post

Twitter/LinkedIn Full Line-Up Post

Twitter/LinkedIn Individual Location Post

Twitter/LinkedIn Individual Location Post
"gener8tor presents" 2020
COMPANY: gener8tor
PROGRAM: gener8tor Flagship Programs: gener8tor Madison, The Brandery & OnRamp Insurance Accelerator
BRIEF: Create social graphics to promote the 3-in-1, prerecorded demo day event highlighting the 2020 cohorts of gener8tor Madison, The Brandery & OnRamp Insurance Accelerator.
APPLICATIONS: social media (Facebook, Facebook Stories, Instagram, Instagram Stories, LinkedIn, Twitter)
PROGRAM: gener8tor Flagship Programs: gener8tor Madison, The Brandery & OnRamp Insurance Accelerator
BRIEF: Create social graphics to promote the 3-in-1, prerecorded demo day event highlighting the 2020 cohorts of gener8tor Madison, The Brandery & OnRamp Insurance Accelerator.
APPLICATIONS: social media (Facebook, Facebook Stories, Instagram, Instagram Stories, LinkedIn, Twitter)

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